God's ways aren't our ways. God and the bible can be really confusing. One of my gifts is to be able to think in analogies, similes, metaphors and I like to use these to help others understand certain characteristics of God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit.
My understanding is strongly influenced by Story Formed Life which is why my page titles listed on the right are the chapters of SFL.
Thank you for checking out my blog. I hope you find the stories helpful.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

There's knowing of someone and knowing someone.

A few years ago I took Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University class and it changed my life. Since then I have paid off my credit cards, student loan, bought a car with cash, replaced my hot water  heater, air conditioner & blower, gone on a few major vacations and I'm debt free! Its awesome! I had lived for years just a bit in the red. Now I teach his Foundations in Personal Finance to my high school kids. They don't love it because its more math but I keep telling them I'm changing their lives.

Now I could read all of Dave's books, listen to his radio show and teach his program for years and I can know all about Dave and his financial principals but I don't KNOW Dave. We aren't friends. If I need advice I can't call him on the phone to ask him for help. He isn't training how to make good financial decisions. Someday some situation might come up that Dave's rules don't really cover. I'm not growing into a financial wizard. I have some good knowledge but there are things Dave gets that I don't.

Similarly I can love a famous person, I'll pick Hugh Jackman- because I think he's amazing. I can read every article written, watch every interview, read biographies, follow him on Fb and twitter. I can know every publicly made fact but I don't KNOW Hugh. I've never met him. He doesn't know my name. He won't show up to help me move. I know OF him but I don't know him.

So how is this like God?

God wants us to be in RELATIONSHIP with Him. I can read the bible, go to church, listen to podcasts and know all ABOUT God but if I don't let The Spirit in, get to know God relation-ally, its going to fall apart. God wants us to talk TO him, not just ABOUT him. He wants us to let him guide our future, not just ask Him if the plan we've made is ok with Him.

There's a reason He doesn't give us a road map, show us his long term plan. If we knew the way we wouldn't need to talk to Him. If I knew the long term plans he has for me I wouldn't need God. He made us to be in community with Him.

If we know about God we can do a lot of good. We can learn what he wants from us and we can act "correctly." I can make a great impression of a Godly person without ever talking to God. The Bible leaves a good description of what it looks like to be a "good christian." But being a "good christian" isn't what God wants from us. Just like a parent doesn't just want "good kids." We want our kids to sit in our lap so we can read them a story. We want to teach them, guide them, love them. I don't just want robot children who say "yes Mommy" and always behave well but don't love me. I want to love them and I want them to love me.

God doesn't just want us to ACT like we love Him, he wants us to love him. He wants us to trust him. He wants to guide us but in order for that to happen we have to learn how to talk to Him and listen for Him.

I recently watched a podcast where a woman told a story about watching a shepherd with his sheep walking through the desert. The sheep all walk in a straight line while the shepherd zig zags through them knocking rocks aside. The woman asks someone what he's doing. The person explained that grass doesn't grow well in the desert, it grows under rocks. The shepherd goes along knocking rocks aside to reveal small amounts of grass for the sheep to eat. When we read Psalm 23 we think of a lush field where we can eat all we want. but what if that's not what is meant? What if God leads us through the desert just giving us a mouthful of grass at a time to keep us close to Him?

It can be really frustrating when God doesn't give us the big picture, a set of rules to follow. But what if He does that so that we stay in relationship with Him? When we allow the Spirit to guide us we stay close to Him. Its scary. Its frustrating. It teaches us trust. Its exciting too. Its an adventure.

Friday, March 21, 2014

I have a neighbor who likes to bring me books. Now this neighbor and I are not good friends. We are the kind of people that wave to each other and maybe stop to have a five minute conversation. He's never been inside my house and I've never been in his. We don't really  have a relationship. I don't know where he's from, what he did for a living, if he has kids or what his hobbies are. I do know that we have polar opposite views politically. Sometimes he will bring me books. They are brand new and they are usually on his political view. From what I have read on the book jacket they spread fear about what (my) political party is going to do to end the world and freedom as we know it.

Now I hate politics anyway. I do my research at voting time and I vote the candidate I think will do the best job but I don't get really into it. I feel like most politicians are only after their own agenda anyway and don't really take into account the people they serve. But ultimately, I don't put my faith in politicians; I put my faith in God. God will control my future no matter what happens to this country of ours.

So I usually take the books, unread, to Half Price Books and sell them. This most recent time I tried to explain that I won't read this book. All I  had to do was look at who wrote it to know that I had no interest in reading it. He wouldn't take no for an answer, just kept saying "read it!" So I thanked him and he left.

I think to myself "why does this guy keep bringing these books? He doesn't know anything about me. I don't want to read his political garbage. I should take him a Bible and say 'Here, read this. It will show you how to live without fear of the current political regime.'" But then I started thinking which brings me to ...

How does this relate to God and the Kingdom?

When people try to evangelize by just handing out cards or books or stand on a street corner with a megaphone telling people they are going to Hell unless they repent, they are doing the same thing my neighbor is doing. They are trying to push their idea off on people who they don't know. I can't imagine this method works. In fact I often feel like this method probably repels more people than it attracts. They showed a picture in church one day of a guy with a megaphone at a college football game. He was trying to preach the gospel. There is this huge circle around him where no one is standing.

We aren't willing to think or believe something that is contrary to our own beliefs when someone is trying to blindly shove it on to us. I find personally that when people try to just shove their agenda down my throat that I dig my heals in and fight back.

That's why God comes to us where we are. He didn't shout out from a cloud "Repent and believe or go to Hell!" He comes to us each in the way that will make us want Him. For me He came through friends. He gave me a new set of friends who were seeking. I liked being with those people so I became a Seeker too.

It goes back, once again, to relationship. If we don't have a relationship with people they don't want to hear what you have to say. They aren't going to believe you. People need to see you doing it. They need to learn to trust you before they believe you. If we want our non-believing friends to come to know Christ we need to go and walk WITH them, not pull them or push them into it.

Think of a horse that is untamed. If you put  a halter on it and start jerking its going to buck and back away from you. But if you go into his pen daily and feed him and speak soothingly to him and pet him, he'll start to follow you around.

Just handing out a book isn't loving. If you know someone and you have a relationship with them and you say "I think you might be interested in this, I would love it if you would be willing to read it and then we can discuss it." is so much more inviting.

Its the old saying "you get more bees with honey." We need to be giving our non-Christian friends honey so they are attracted to us and THEN willing to see why we are different. Maybe then they will accept our invitation to church or to read biblical books. Maybe then they will be willing to give God a chance.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Its not about the Golden Ticket, its about love

Have you seen Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? Willy Wonka has this amazing chocolate factory and he is looking for a successor. So he sends out five golden tickets, ostensibly for a tour but Wonka is looking for someone to take over his business. People go crazy trying to get these Golden Tickets because NO ONE is allowed in the factory. Wealthy people buy their children hundreds of candy bars searching for the Golden Ticket. It works for four of them and then one poor kid, Charlie gets a chocolate bar for  his birthday and he gets a ticket. No one wants to befriend Wonka, they just want a look into the highly select club. Wonka then uses the tour to weed at the spoiled brats and find someone with a pure heart to succeed him.

Let me, seemingly, go off into a tangent here, I promise I'll bring it all back together later. I have been single for a LONG time. I'm a go getter. I'm one of those people that when I get a goal, I work toward it  until I get it. Most worldly things work out that way. You want to be a lawyer? You work hard, you get yourself through college, you take the right classes and you are most likely to get in. You want to buy a house? You save up, get pre-approved, find yourself a realtor and you get a house. But relationships don't work that way. I tried EVERYTHING to find "Mr. Right." I tried on-line dating, set ups, went out to bars, joined intramural teams, heck I even went to a specific grocery store that was known for being a place people found people. But it never worked. Because love isn't a worldly thing. You can't force someone to love you. You can force them to act like they love you with the right leverage but you can't actually make them care about you.

So how is this like God and how do these tie together?

I was reading the story of the rich young ruler. (Mark 10:17-22) You know, the guy that comes up to Jesus and says "Good Teacher, What must I do to inherent the eternal life?" Jesus asks the man if he has followed the commandments and the man says yes. Then "Jesus looked at  him and loved  him. 'One thing you lack.... Go, sell everything you have and give it to the poor, and you will  have treasure in heaven."' The man goes away sad because he is wealthy and is  unwilling to give it all up.

First of all, quickly. I LOVE that Jesus first LOVED him and then threw down the gauntlet. Jesus didn't make this guy prove himself before he was loved. That is my favorite thing about Jesus.  He loves us before we make ourselves good.

On to the point though. The man asks how to inherent eternal life. He wants the Golden Ticket into heaven. This guy is a go-getter. He's a doer. He's one of those guys that sets out to accomplish a goal, breaks it down into measurable steps and then works at it until he gets it. But the problem is, Heaven doesn't work like that. Its not an earthly thing to be bought or earned. We get it through love and grace. The rich ruler doesn't understand how to get something without working for it. If he is wealthy, he has worked his whole life to get what he wants. For him its a tried and true method of attaining things. But Heaven isn't a THING. Heaven is being close to God because wherever He is- there Heaven is.

The problem is, he's asking the wrong question. He's acting like the brothers in the story of two sons (people call it the Prodigal Son story.-Luke 15) Remember? The younger son demands his inheritance, squanders it and then comes back asking for forgiveness. The father runs out to the son rejoicing that he is home. The older brother is mad because he has worked and never left and he feels cheated. In this story, neither son wants the father's love. They just want his money and land. They don't love their Dad, they just want his wealth. They just want the Golden Ticket. The father tries to explain that so long as they are together, in relationship, that's what counts.

This rich young ruler should have asked "Jesus, how can I be one of your disciples? How can I be in relationship with you?" THAT'S the question we need to all be asking. That's what God wants. Look at Creation. If God just wanted carbon creatures to follow rules so he could let them into heaven he would have created Stepford Wives. (see my earlier post if this doesn't make sense). He would have created robots who will go through the motions of acting loving and then let them into Heaven. But that isn't what He wanted. He created us to be in relationship with him! He created us so we could choose to love him. Not just obediently follow his rules. He isn't a tyrant who only wants obedience. He is love. He wants our love and He wants to give us His love.

We need to make sure we're asking the right question. Are we asking God "Am I doing enough to get into Heaven?" or are we asking "How can I get closer to you?"

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The making of beloved companion

I love dogs. The words dog-person apply to me. I used to have a dog named Mister and he was a really great companion. When I came home he was SO HAPPY to see me! He didn't want to go out or eat until we had time to greet each other. No matter what happened between us he still loved me absolutely. There is no doubt if the need ever arose he would have protected me without prejudice. He had to sleep right beside me. He was a great listener.

No matter how awesome and unconditional a dog's love is for his owner it can't compare to the love of a human. Humans can empathize, love, give support, pray over you. They have a whole world of other people to choose to love so when they love you its a precious thing. You know it was a CHOICE. Sometimes we don't understand why we love someone we just know that feeling is there.

What makes a human's love so much better than a pets? Its the risk. Its knowing that a person looked at you and CHOSE to love you. This Christmas I was sitting by my niece at dinner when she hugged my arm and said "I love you!" It melted my heart. It was the coolest feeling ever. No one made her say it. It was a spontaneous thing, like she was just overcome and had to get it our. I knew it was genuine. She knows other people and yet she chooses to love me.

Think about the movie Stepford Wives. The husbands have their wives' brains removed and turned into perfectly compliant wives. The new wives look perfect, always have dinner hot and ready, are ready and willing to hop into bed whenever the husbands want. But is that love? The wives can't chose to love their husbands anymore. The husbands never have to risk losing their wives. I would never want a husband that is forced to do my will without the option to choose to love me. I don't want a shotgun husband. If love isn't chosen then what worth does it have?

What does this have to do with God?
This is why we were made! God made us to have a community of people to love. Its the reason He put the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden. He didn't put it there to try to trick us. The really great thing that God gave us, the thing that separates us from the animals, is the ability to make decisions, to choose. What good is the  ability to choose to love someone if you don't give them an opportunity to say no?

If I have a teenager and I tell them that I trust them but I never let them out of my sight I'm not really giving them an opportunity to be trustworthy. I need to let them leave so they can choose to come home safely.
God could have made us like a dog. He could have given us the capacity to show love but only given us the option to hang out with him getting food and a place to sleep. He could have programed us to love just Him and never given us a different choice. But is that really love?

Love means giving worth to another, possibly at your own expense. God, giving us the opportunity to walk away from Him, made a huge sacrifice. If you knew your child would grow up and betray you would you still have children? He knew we would betray Him. He knew He would have to send Jesus down to get the crap beaten out of him and yet he still made us! He knew we would break His heart and yet He still made us. He knew we would choose to side with the enemy and yet He still gave us choice.

That's how much he loves us and wants to be with us! He was willing to endure all that heartache so He can be with us now and forever in Super Heaven. If he had just wanted a sounding board, someone to sit with at dinner he could have made us just another talking animal or a robot. We could have demonstrated loving behaviors but it wouldn't be LOVE. Real love is chosen.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

A great and terrible divorce.

A friend of mine was telling me about his divorce recently. Its a common and sad story. His ex wife has some mental health issues which make her aggressive, unable to cope with conflict and unable to be truthful or reasonable. As often  happens the judge gave custody to her. She does not honor the custody agreement. She refuses to allow him to see his children. What's worse she fills the children with lies about their Dad. She tells them that he doesn't love them, that he makes life harder for them. Now I know the Dad and unless he is a real Jekyl and Hyde I can't believe the lies about this guy. I don't understand how the kids can believe these lies. How does someone live with someone their whole life and not know their true character?

How is this like God?
Its the Fall all over again! We were in this great parent- kid like relationship. Our Abba came every day to hang out with us, to play with us. Then the enemy - who I'm going to call the evil step-mother- came along and told us that our Abba didn't love us as much as we thought, that He had lied to us and we believed it. Then there was a great and terrible divorce. The evil step-mother got the house (earth) and the kids (us). We can call Abba and talk to Him. But our evil step-mother keeps telling us lies about our Abba. She tells us that He doesn't care about us, that He is the cause of the bad things that happen to us.

Phrases like "God only gives us what we can handle" imply that our Abba is the one that brought the bad event on, like He is testing us. Here's one I battle with constantly "He'll only love you if you're good. He'll be disappointed with you if you don't perform well." She is implying that His love is conditional on me behaving to a certain standard. That's a lie! He loves us unconditionally like any good parent. Then when something bad happens I assume its a punishment He sent down to me because I wasn't "good enough." (Yeah, I grew up Catholic, can you tell?) But the truth is I live in a broken world, that my evil step-mother has allowed to become a wreck. If something bad happens to me its because of the chaos she has created or my own actions.

Sometimes our Abba talks to us, but because he is far away His voice isn't very loud. So what does our evil step-mother do? She cranks up the volume on the tv so we can't hear. She keeps us so busy that we can't call Him at night. When we do hear from Him she twists the words to make it seem like He doesn't care. She really is quite a bitch.

So how do we combat our evil step-mother?
This is why its SO IMPORTANT for me to learn, remind myself, remember who my Abba REALLY is! Lets look at the facts. He created a beautiful and perfect world for me to live in. He sent my big brother, Jesus, down to die so that I can go back home. When I take the time to be in relationship with Him I can start to see the truth, to see past her lies. I have to use my head though. Its a constant battle.

Here's another analogy.
I teach middle and high school kids. I am amazed at how quickly they are willing to throw their friends under the bus. They hear a rumor and they immediately believe it instead of tracking down the source or thinking about the true character of who that person is. They hear that their best friend told a lie about them and they are ready to throw down instead of going to their trusted friend and saying "hey, I heard this and I wanted to know if its true." We do the same thing with God. We hear a rumor or a twisted truth and we just believe it without testing to see if its valid. We don't look at what we know about God, we just react emotionally.

The good news is that someday I'll get to go live with my Abba and I won't have to live with the evil step-mother anymore. I don't know when that day is. Her objective is to make me hate and distrust Him so much that when that time comes I don't want to go. But I'm tired of living in her tyrannical world. She keeps me in a house that is full of anxiety, distrust, anger, frustration and stress. Living with Abba is peaceful, quiet, joyful. In His house I know that I am enough, that I am loved no matter what. There are rules that create a serene environment. So I will just batten down the hatches and keep on keeping on here until that day. But I need to remember who my Dad is so that when the judge finally says I can choose where I want to live I make the right choice.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Duck For President and The Fall

On Saturdays I get lunch at Chik-Fil-A where I get a kids meal. I like to give the books that come in the kids meal to my nieces. This week they are giving out the Doreen Cronin's books and I got Duck For President. In the book all the farm animals have chores. Duck, a bit of a trouble maker, doesn't like his chores and thinks he can run the farm better than Farmer Brown. So duck hosts an election and wins which means he gets to run the farm. He realizes that running a farm isn't fun so he decides to run for governor. He wins that race but realizes that running a state isn't fun either so he runs for President. He wins that election too and realizes that running the country is too stressful so he gives the job back to the former President and goes back to the farm.

This got me to thinking about our society. We also seem to have this idea that the "dirty jobs" are undesirable and that if we can get into management it will be easier and more fun. This is a lie though. Mike Rowe gives a great Ted Talk on how people who do "dirty jobs" are happier and find more fulfillment in their lives. Here is the link. (Warning, he talks about castration which is gross but he's a really great speaker so its worth it)

I'm a school teacher and people have said to me "Why don't you become a Principal." My answer is "Heck NO!" Being in management isn't all its cracked up to be. There may be less manual labor but the stress level is so much more. There is more responsibility and more to answer for. As a teacher I show up, teach and go home. I don't have to go to Board Meetings or worry about all the new legislation. I don't have to worry that if our test scores go down I might have my name in the paper or that the Superintendent or Board will be yelling at me that I didn't manage my school well. Don't get me wrong, I have a share in the responsibility of our school's accountability but it doesn't rest so heavily on my shoulders. Principles and Superintendents ultimately are responsibility for EVERYTHING that happens in their school.

Its the same in the business world. If I work in a widget factory I show up, work my eight hours and go home. I don't have to worry about the price of my raw materials; I don't have to worry about our stocks. I don't have to worry about paying the mortgage or the unions or how to offset the cost of raising insurance premiums.

So how does this compare to The Kingdom?
Example 1:
I realized that being in management is what God tried so hard to protect us from. Lets start with The Fall. Adam and Eve had a job, to name the animals and care for the world. At that time, everything was working pretty well so this was an easy gig. Then the serpent comes along and convinces Eve that God is holding out, that God doesn't want her to be able to judge good from evil because God wants to be superior. Eve is convinced that she should be promoted to management. So she eats the fruit. Now she can distinguish between good and evil.
It might be easy to agree with the serpent, that God was trying to keep himself superior so that we had to do the hard work or so that He could be "better" than us. (Lets be real, He is) What if God wasn't keeping us from judging (the knowledge of good and evil) to be better than us but instead to protect us from stress that comes with judging?
Becoming judges puts us in a position of management. We now have more responsibility. If we aren't good stewards of our responsibility then we are liable for our actions.
Judging that is what we do right away. We see someone and immediately start judging them. Is he a good person? Is she smart? Is she trashy? Is he attractive? Is he going to like me? Do I want to like him? I bet she thinks she's smarter than me. I bet he makes a lot of money. Why in the world is she wearing THAT? Why does he talk like that? He is weird. She has it all together.
We don't just judge others, we judge ourselves. Am I doing a good enough job? Am I fulfilling my purpose? Am I a good enough... (teacher, wife, friend, worker etc)? Am I as pretty as she is? Am I worthy of God's love? 
Its exhausting this judging! We're so often wrong too.

Example 2:
Another biblical example would be the Israelites. They didn't have a single ruler, a king. God wanted them to be able to be together and treat each other well without needing someone in management. But they saw other nations with a king so they asked God for one. He tried to talk them out of it. He tried to make them see that life is better without a human in a position of power over them but they didn't believe Him. He gave them Saul. That worked out for a while but eventually his human nature took over and he didn't do a very good job.
The problem with humans wanting to be in positions of management is that we are so selfish in nature. When we are selfish we stop looking at the Big Picture and look after our own best interests instead. This is why its so much better when we let "Jesus Take The Wheel." He has a view of everything and He loves us so much that He doesn't look after His interests, he looks after ours. He is good at judging between good and evil because He can see the whole picture and we can only see our side. He has the best interests of everyone because He loves everyone. I have the best interest of Stephanie because I want to make sure that I come out ok. I may be good enough to try to see other people's point of view. Even when I compromise or try to make a good choice for all, I'm putting a spin on it that makes me come out looking good and getting what I want.

What did Jesus tell us?
Jesus didn't charge us with being in management. He didn't want us going around elevating ourselves so that our feet get washed. He charged us with racing to the bottom, becoming servants. He wants us to lower ourselves to washing others' feet. We aren't to judge someone and only wash their feet if they are counted worthy. Everyone is worthy. I love how Greg Boyd says it "Your only opinion of someone should be to agree with God that they were worth Jesus dying for." This means I can't judge them. I don't know their whole story so I don't have enough information to do it well. This means I do my chores without trying to manage the farm. The farmer goes home at night exhausted from managing. My few chores aren't so taxing. I need to remember to just do my part and let God rule.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Ender's Game and God's Plan

I recently watched the movie Ender's Game. If you haven't seen it and want to be surprised don't read this blog.
For those of you who don't love sci-fi just hang in there. Here is a little synopsis for those who haven't read the book or seen the movie. I have only seen the movie so please pardon me if its different from the book.
In the movie a boy named Ender is being trained to battle an alien race called the Formics. At one point in history the Formics came to earth where a terrible battle occurs. Hundreds of thousands died so earth has started training for the event when the Formics return. Ender is a boy genius. He manages to quickly make his way through the ranks and toward the end of the movie they move him to a training station very near the Formics planet. Ender and his team train constantly. One day Ender is told that they have graduated to their final test.
In order to pass the test Ender is challenged to obliterate the Formics. His team has this monster weapon that is very lethal but takes time to recharge after it is fired. There are thousands of drones, little planes with some basic fire power, that Ender and his team also have but they can only kill one little plane at a time. Ender has all the drones surround the giant weapon to protect it so that he can accomplish his goal of destroying the planet. The drones take the hits as the monster weapon recharges. The generals are amazed and at first angry because by surrounding the big weapon the drones abandon their shuttle crafts which get destroyed. Thousands of "good guys" die because Ender doesn't protect them, instead he focuses on winning the overall battle. His genius at seeing the big picture is what it takes to be victorious. He destroys the entire Formic planet.
Now this is where this analogy is going to concentrate. For those who know the whole story there isn't anything godly about what happens next except for Ender's selflessness in trying to save the Formic species.

Now for the How Does This Relate To God part.
God sees the big picture. Our view is so infinitesimally myopic. We are like the drones, we only see just what is around us. If my commander tells me to surround the big weapon and sacrifice myself to save it my response might be "hey, what about me?" But God sees the whole problem. He has an end game in sight. His end game is quite opposite of Enders, instead of destroying as many as possible His goal is to save as many as possible. He may need me to sacrifice myself, my comfort, my goal in order to attain His. He may also be positioning me for something that he sees coming down the pike that I am currently unaware of.

I may pray for something and it may not happen. This might cause me to think God doesn't care about me or that He isn't powerful. But that's because I'm only seeing a small piece of the picture. Add to that people and angels with free will and He has quite a puzzle to put together. He would love to bless us with our prayers but maybe my prayer goes against the mission at large. Maybe my prayer will throw off someone else coming to know Christ. Or maybe the enemy is also battling against the thing that I want to happen. God can't always go around breaking the rules and depriving people and spiritual beings of their free will so that I get my blessing.

I am not the main character in this story. Lets go back to Ender's game. Imagine I'm a soldier named Bob. What would happen if Ender commanded Bob to surround the big weapon and Bob said "No way man! That's a suicide mission for me." Then other drones would see me and say "Yeah, I don't want to die, let me hang out here where its safe and let other people go to battle." Those of us watching the movie would be like "What a jerk!" The battle would be lost.

I am not to author of The Story of the world. I'm not even a main character. In the credits of history, I'm going to be the guy listed eight minutes into the credits in a paragraph full of names called "extras." No one will be looking me up on IMDB. Its not about what I want all the time. (If this sounds crazy you should definitely look in to the study called Story Formed Life- it will change your life.) When I go and do my own thing I am probably going against the Mission At Large. I'm that stupid guy in the movie that is gumming up the works.

So when you don't understand why God is or isn't doing something we just have to trust that he has a Big Picture Mission. He sees it all and is trying to adjust the outcomes of our decisions to fulfill His Mission. Fortunately, like a good movie, we know that the good guy will win in the end. He has foreshadowed the end and there is a victory coming. Unfortunately there is a battle raging and we are caught in the middle of it. As in all battles there are casualties. Sometimes we will catch a stray bullet or have to sacrifice our selves or our comfort toward the war effort.

Changing Neighborhoods and Recreation

A while ago a few of us were talking about the Recreation and (what I like to call) Super heaven. One of my friends said she doesn't want to see the world destroyed and a new world made because she loves dolphins and she doesn't know if there are dolphins in Super Heaven.
I was a bit flabbergasted. You want to stay in this broken, fallen world so that dolphins -that you never see because we live in Kentucky where there are no oceans- don't get wiped out? So I came up with this analogy.

Imagine you live in an old, decrepit, falling down, moldy, vermin infested house. This house has a loud freeway in its back yard. Beyond the freeway is a pig farm that smells atrocious. It isn't safe to go out and hang out on your front porch because there is so much violence that you might get gunned down by a drive by shooting. The neighbors are the kind of people that keep walking when you're getting mugged and who steal your newspaper. The only redeeming quality is a beautiful rose bush in your neighbor's front yard. You love seeing that rose bush when you walk outside.

Then one day you get a call. Your Great Aunt Mildred has decided to invite you to live with her in a beautiful mansion on a lake in California, right off of wine country. The view is spectacular. The neighborhood is so safe you don't have to lock your doors. In fact neighbors invite you to use their pool, their boat or drink their wine even if they aren't home. Aunt Mildred goes on and on about how much you're going to love living there because the air is so crisp and clean and the people are so friendly and helpful. No one ever gets sick or hurt. She is giving you this opportunity free so long as you hang out with her, you won't have to worry about paying taxes or working hard. She just wants someone to enjoy life with. There are no other strings attached.

You tell her maybe because you don't know if Aunt Mildred or her neighbors have rose bushes so you aren't sure you want to move. Seriously?

I don't know what Super Heaven is going to be like but I'm sure in Super Heaven if we love dolphins that much, He can recreate some dolphins to live there too. If not, I'm sure there will be some animal just as cool that we can admire. Heck maybe we'll get really lucky and God will make Super Heaven like Narnia and we can talk to the animals. That would be pretty sweet.