God's ways aren't our ways. God and the bible can be really confusing. One of my gifts is to be able to think in analogies, similes, metaphors and I like to use these to help others understand certain characteristics of God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit.
My understanding is strongly influenced by Story Formed Life which is why my page titles listed on the right are the chapters of SFL.
Thank you for checking out my blog. I hope you find the stories helpful.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Ender's Game and God's Plan

I recently watched the movie Ender's Game. If you haven't seen it and want to be surprised don't read this blog.
For those of you who don't love sci-fi just hang in there. Here is a little synopsis for those who haven't read the book or seen the movie. I have only seen the movie so please pardon me if its different from the book.
In the movie a boy named Ender is being trained to battle an alien race called the Formics. At one point in history the Formics came to earth where a terrible battle occurs. Hundreds of thousands died so earth has started training for the event when the Formics return. Ender is a boy genius. He manages to quickly make his way through the ranks and toward the end of the movie they move him to a training station very near the Formics planet. Ender and his team train constantly. One day Ender is told that they have graduated to their final test.
In order to pass the test Ender is challenged to obliterate the Formics. His team has this monster weapon that is very lethal but takes time to recharge after it is fired. There are thousands of drones, little planes with some basic fire power, that Ender and his team also have but they can only kill one little plane at a time. Ender has all the drones surround the giant weapon to protect it so that he can accomplish his goal of destroying the planet. The drones take the hits as the monster weapon recharges. The generals are amazed and at first angry because by surrounding the big weapon the drones abandon their shuttle crafts which get destroyed. Thousands of "good guys" die because Ender doesn't protect them, instead he focuses on winning the overall battle. His genius at seeing the big picture is what it takes to be victorious. He destroys the entire Formic planet.
Now this is where this analogy is going to concentrate. For those who know the whole story there isn't anything godly about what happens next except for Ender's selflessness in trying to save the Formic species.

Now for the How Does This Relate To God part.
God sees the big picture. Our view is so infinitesimally myopic. We are like the drones, we only see just what is around us. If my commander tells me to surround the big weapon and sacrifice myself to save it my response might be "hey, what about me?" But God sees the whole problem. He has an end game in sight. His end game is quite opposite of Enders, instead of destroying as many as possible His goal is to save as many as possible. He may need me to sacrifice myself, my comfort, my goal in order to attain His. He may also be positioning me for something that he sees coming down the pike that I am currently unaware of.

I may pray for something and it may not happen. This might cause me to think God doesn't care about me or that He isn't powerful. But that's because I'm only seeing a small piece of the picture. Add to that people and angels with free will and He has quite a puzzle to put together. He would love to bless us with our prayers but maybe my prayer goes against the mission at large. Maybe my prayer will throw off someone else coming to know Christ. Or maybe the enemy is also battling against the thing that I want to happen. God can't always go around breaking the rules and depriving people and spiritual beings of their free will so that I get my blessing.

I am not the main character in this story. Lets go back to Ender's game. Imagine I'm a soldier named Bob. What would happen if Ender commanded Bob to surround the big weapon and Bob said "No way man! That's a suicide mission for me." Then other drones would see me and say "Yeah, I don't want to die, let me hang out here where its safe and let other people go to battle." Those of us watching the movie would be like "What a jerk!" The battle would be lost.

I am not to author of The Story of the world. I'm not even a main character. In the credits of history, I'm going to be the guy listed eight minutes into the credits in a paragraph full of names called "extras." No one will be looking me up on IMDB. Its not about what I want all the time. (If this sounds crazy you should definitely look in to the study called Story Formed Life- it will change your life.) When I go and do my own thing I am probably going against the Mission At Large. I'm that stupid guy in the movie that is gumming up the works.

So when you don't understand why God is or isn't doing something we just have to trust that he has a Big Picture Mission. He sees it all and is trying to adjust the outcomes of our decisions to fulfill His Mission. Fortunately, like a good movie, we know that the good guy will win in the end. He has foreshadowed the end and there is a victory coming. Unfortunately there is a battle raging and we are caught in the middle of it. As in all battles there are casualties. Sometimes we will catch a stray bullet or have to sacrifice our selves or our comfort toward the war effort.

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